Command Response Description
x + 16 bit unsigned integer Requested amount of bytes + status byte This 3 bytes command is used to retrieve low biased random bytes from the device. The 16 bit unsigned integer represents the requested amount of bytes (max value is 50000), the lower byte is sent first and then the higher byte is sent. The TL200 device expects to receive all three bytes within a reasonable amount of time. There should not be delays longer than 90 milliseconds between moments when sending each byte, otherwise the device will ignore the command. The response will contain low biased random bytes. This command can be used in a situation when the user needs to apply a different bias removing (whitening) logic for generating true random bytes. The last byte in the response is the status byte.
1 + 16 bit unsigned integer Requested amount of bytes + status byte This 3 bytes command is used to retrieve true random bytes from the device by hashing low bias random byte stream with SHA-160. The 16 bit unsigned integer represents the requested amount of bytes (max value is 50000), the lower byte is sent first and then the higher byte. The TL200 device expects to receive all three bytes within a reasonable amount of time. There should not be delays longer than 90 milliseconds between moments when sending each byte, otherwise the device will ignore the command. The last byte in the response is the status byte.
2 + 16 bit unsigned integer Requested amount of bytes + status byte This 3 bytes command is used to retrieve true random bytes from the device by hashing low bias random byte stream with SHA-256. This is the recommended mode for retrieving true random bytes. The 16 bit unsigned integer represents the requested amount of bytes (max value is 50000), the lower byte is sent first and then the higher byte. The TL200 device expects to receive all three bytes within a reasonable amount of time. There should not be delays longer than 90 milliseconds between moments when sending each byte, otherwise the device will ignore the command. The last byte in the response is the status byte.
3 + 16 bit unsigned integer Requested amount of bytes + status byte This 3 bytes command is used to retrieve true random bytes from the device by hashing low bias random byte stream with SHA-512. The 16 bit unsigned integer represents the requested amount of bytes (max value is 50000), the lower byte is sent first and then the higher byte. TheTL200 device expects to receive all three bytes within a reasonable amount of time. There should not be delays longer than 90 milliseconds between moments when sending each byte, otherwise the device will ignore the command. The last byte in the response is the status byte.
h + 16 bit unsigned integer Requested amount of bytes + status byte This 3 bytes command is used to retrieve true random bytes from the device with HmacSHA256 post processing. The 16 bit unsigned integer represents the requested amount of bytes (max value is 50000), the lower byte is sent first and then the higher byte. TL200 device expects to receive all three bytes within a reasonable amount of time. There should not be delays longer than 90 milliseconds between moments when sending each byte, otherwise the device will ignore the command. The last byte in the response is the status byte.
v 3 bytes + status byte This 1 byte command is used to retrieve device version number in ASCII followed by the status byte.
m 6 bytes + status byte This 1 byte command is used to retrieve device model in ASCII followed by the status byte.
s 30 bytes + status byte This 1 byte command is used to retrieve the unique device serial number in ASCII followed by the status byte.
u   This 1 byte command is used to activate user interactive console mode. See User interactive mode section for details. After this command is issued, user will be prompted to provide a valid pass code within a limited amount of time. When successfully authenticated, user will enter interactive menu based mode. This command should be used with care since the device won’t handle any other commands when in this mode. User should follow the interactive menu and exit from this mode when done.
r + 16 bit unsigned integer Requested amount of bytes + status byte This 3 bytes command is used to retrieve raw (unprocessed) random bytes from the device. The 16 bit unsigned integer represents the requested amount of bytes (max value is 50000), the lower byte is sent first and then the higher byte. The TL200 device expects to receive all three bytes within a reasonable amount of time. There should not be delays longer than 90 milliseconds between moments when sending each byte, otherwise the device will ignore the command. The response will contain biased raw random bytes, the response bytes are not expected to pass statistical tests. This command can be used in a situation when the user needs to apply a different post processing logic to remove the bias for generating true random bytes. The last byte in the response is the status byte.
p 1 byte + status byte This 1 byte command is used to retrieve the current device power profile number. The response will contain an ASCII code 1,2,3,4 or 5 representing device specific power profile number described below:
Profile 1: ~616 Kbps speed that draws no more than of max 75 mA
Profile 2: ~1080 Kbps speed that draws no more than of max 80 mA
Profile 3: ~1460 Kbps speed that draws no more than of max 85 mA
Profile 4: ~1700 Kbps speed that draws no more than of max 90 mA
Profile 5: Max speed that draws no more than 98 mA (factory default)
The second byte in the response is the status byte
w + 8 bit integer status byte This 2 bytes command is used to set a new device power profile number. The 8 bit integer is a binary number for the desired power profile. After issuing this command the TL200 device will need to be powered Off and then On in order for the changes to take effect. The valid values are 1,2,3,4 or 5 as described below:
Profile 1: ~616 Kbps speed that draws no more than of max 75 mA
Profile 2: ~1080 Kbps speed that draws no more than of max 80 mA
Profile 3: ~1460 Kbps speed that draws no more than of max 85 mA
Profile 4: ~1700 Kbps speed that draws no more than of max 90 mA
Profile 5: Max speed that draws no more than 98 mA (factory default)
There should not be delays longer than 90 milliseconds between moments when sending each byte, otherwise the device will ignore the commands.
l + 16 bit integer Requested amount of 16 bit integers + status byte This 3 bytes command is used to generate a sequence of non repeatable random integers from 1 to the specified range. The 16 bit integer used in command specifies the range for the sequence. The valid value for the range used with TL200 device is between 1 and 12000.1 For each 16 bit integer, the lower byte is sent first and then the higher byte. There should not be delays longer than 90 milliseconds between moments when sending each byte, otherwise the device will ignore the commands.