Entropy Sector API is intended to make SwiftRNG true randomness available to your application using RESTful API. The following describes how to use the API to retrieve true random numbers (or bytes) or to generate random sequences of unique integer numbers.

A functional React-based live demo that uses this API is available here here, and its source code is available here.

Retrieve random bytes (public access)

  • URL


  • Method: GET

  • URL Params

    Required: count=[integer]
    Valid values: between 1 and 400
    Description: amount of bytes to retrieve

  • Success Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/octet-stream
    Content: random bytes

  • Error Response:

    Code: 400
    Content type: application/octet-stream
    Content: error message

  • Sample Request:


  • Notes:

    It does not require user authentication

Retrieve random bytes (complete access)

  • URL


  • Method: GET

  • URL Params

    Required: count=[integer]
    Valid values: between 1 and 100000
    Description: amount of bytes to retrieve

  • HTTP request headers

    Required: tl-ent-sce-auth-token
    Description: user authentication token to access the resource

    Optional: tl_req_hash_challenge
    Description: user defined text used as salt for generating a SHA256 value of the HTTP response random bytes

    Optional: tl-ent-sce-crypto-token
    Description: Crypto token to secure the byte stream

  • HTTP response headers

    Required: tl-resp-bytehash
    Description: a SHA256 value of the original (unencrypted) byte stream response

  • Success Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/octet-stream
    Content: random bytes

  • Error Responses:

    Code: 400
    Content type: application/octet-stream
    Content: error message

    Code: 403
    Content type: application/octet-stream
    Content: Insufficient permissions to perform requested action.

  • Sample Request:


  • Notes:

    It requires a user authentication token. Contact us to receive a beta authentication token

Retrieve random numbers (public access)

  • URL


  • Method: GET

  • URL Params

    Required: count=[integer]
    Valid values: between 1 and 100
    Description: amount of numbers to retrieve

  • Success Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/json
    Content: {"data":[-443826749,-1265738728],"status":"success","message":""}
    Valid values: each random number is an integer value between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647

  • Error Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/json
    Content: {"data":[],"status":"error","message":"Error message"}

  • Sample Request:


  • Notes:

    It does not require user authentication

Retrieve random numbers (complete access)

  • URL


  • Method: GET

  • URL Params

    Required: count=[integer]
    Valid values: between 1 and 25000
    Description: amount of numbers to retrieve

  • HTTP request headers

    Required: tl-ent-sce-auth-token
    Description: user authentication token to access the resource

  • Success Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/json
    Content: {"data":[-443826749,-1265738728],"status":"success","message":""}
    Valid values: each random number is an integer value between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647

  • Error Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/json
    Content: {"data":[],"status":"error","message":"Error message"}

    Code: 403
    Content type: application/json
    Content: Insufficient permissions to perform requested action.

  • Sample Request:


  • Notes:

    It requires a user authentication token. Contact us to receive a beta authentication token

Retrieve random sequences of unique integer numbers (public access)

  • URL


  • Method: GET

  • URL Params

    Required: minNumber=[integer]
    Valid values: between -100000000 and 100000000
    Description: the smallest number in the range

    Required: maxNumber=[integer]
    Valid values: between -100000000 and 100000000
    Description: the largest number in the range

    Required: limit=[integer]
    Valid values: between 1 and 10
    Description: how many numbers to include in sequence

  • Success Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/json
    Content: {"data":[2,62,38,64,46],"status":"success","message":""}

  • Error Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/json
    Content: {"data":[],"status":"error","message":"Error message"}

  • Sample Request:


  • Notes:

    It does not require user authentication

Retrieve random sequences of unique integer numbers (complete access)

  • URL


  • Method: GET

  • URL Params

    Required: minNumber=[integer]
    Valid values: between -100000000 and 100000000
    Description: the smallest number in the range

    Required: maxNumber=[integer]
    Valid values: between -100000000 and 100000000
    Description: the largest number in the range

    Required: limit=[integer]
    Valid values: between 1 and 1000
    Description: how many numbers to include in sequence

  • HTTP request headers

    Required: tl-ent-sce-auth-token
    Description: user authentication token to access the resource

  • Success Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/json
    Content: {"data":[2,62,38,64,46],"status":"success","message":""}

  • Error Response:

    Code: 200
    Content type: application/json
    Content: {"data":[],"status":"error","message":"Error message"}

    Code: 403
    Content type: application/json
    Content: Insufficient permissions to perform requested action.

  • Sample Request:


  • Notes:

    It requires a user authentication token. Contact us to receive a beta authentication token