Available for Windows, macOS, freeBSD and Linux, bitcount is a utility that can be used to count the number of 0 and 1 bits in a random byte stream generated by a SwiftRNG device or by reading bytes from a file for quality verification. It will require sudo permissions to use it on Linux or freeBSD based systems.

An ideal generator will produce an equal amount of 0 and 1 bits over a period of time; however that is rarely achievable when using real random number generators.

Make sure the software kit is built and installed successfully.

The following command demonstrates how to count ones and zeros for 750,000 random blocks (about 12 GB) retrieved from a SwiftRNG Pro device (one block equals to 16,000 bytes):

bitcount 750000 0

This could result in the following output:

---  A program for counting bits retrieved from SwiftRNG or from a file  ---

SwiftRNG device number 0 open successfully

*** downloading random bytes and counting bits, post-processing: none, embedded correction: none ***
retrieved 96000000000 total bits, 0's bit count: 48000185752, 1's bit count: 47999814248, 
0's arithmetic mean: 0.5000019349

The following command demonstrates how to count ones and zeros of the random bytes provided by randombytes.bin file:

bitcount -fn randombytes.bin

This could result in the following output:

---  A program for counting bits retrieved from SwiftRNG or from a file  ---
*** reading bytes and counting bits from file: randombytes.bin ***
retrieved 9600000000 total bits, 0's bit count: 4799981594, 1's bit count: 4800018406, 
0's arithmetic mean: 0.4999980827

A new bitcount-cl utility is available four counting 0’s and 1’s bits in a random byte stream that is generated by a cluster of multiple SwiftRNG devices.