The swperftest utility can be used on Linux, macOS, freeBSD and Windows for testing SwiftRNG performance. It requires sudo permissions when used with Linux or freeBSD based systems.

Make sure the swperftest utility is successfully built with make. Plug the SwiftRNG device in a USB port.

For the swperftest utility, run the following command:


swperftest will discover all of the SwiftRNG devices connected to the system, run general device performance test and, report the random number generation speed in megabits per second.

The output may look similar to this:

-- swperftest - SwiftRNG device performance test utility  --
Searching for devices ------------------ found 1 SwiftRNG device(s)

Testing SwiftRNG with S/N: W62BFD9MM88E3B6 version: V1.4
Opening device -------------------------------------------- Success
Setting power profiles to 9 ------------------------------- Success
Embedded correction algorithm -------------------------------- none

Post processing  ----------------------------------------- disabled 
Performance ------- in progress ------------------ 108.11 Mbits/sec

Post processing  ------------------------------------------- SHA256 
Performance ------- in progress ------------------ 97.56 Mbits/sec

Post processing  ------------------------------------------- SHA512 
Performance ------- in progress ------------------ 105.26 Mbits/sec

Post processing  --------------------------------------- xorshift64 
Performance ------- in progress ------------------ 108.11 Mbits/sec
Closing device -------------------------------------------- Success
