The following demonstrates how to use VBA Excel to download random data from a SwiftRNG device when used with Entropy Server for Windows and utilizing a named pipe. The following code will only work when running SwiftRNG Entropy Server. This is the recommended way for achieving maximum concurrent speed and performance. Before using the following example, make sure the SwiftRNG device is plugged into one of USB ports available and entropy-server.exe is running on same system.

A sample source code that retrieves a random VBA Integer using entropy-server through a named pipe connection and inserts that value into A1 cell of the Excel Sheet

Private Function getRandomInteger() As Integer
    Dim intFileNum%
    intFileNum = FreeFile
    Dim RequestHeaderBytes(1 To 4) As Integer
    Dim randomInteger As Integer
    ' Open the entropy server named pipe
    Open "\\.\pipe\SwiftRNG" For Binary Access Read Write As intFileNum
    ' Prepare the Entropy Server API request structure - requesting 2 bytes for the VBA Integer.
    ' For more information visit
    RequestHeaderBytes(3) = LenB(randomInteger)
    ' Send the request header to the entropy server in one shot
    Put intFileNum, , RequestHeaderBytes
    ' With no delay, receive the random Integer
    Get intFileNum, , randomInteger
    Close intFileNum
    getRandomInteger = randomInteger
    End Function

Sub Macro1()
    Dim rndInteger As Integer
    rndInteger = getRandomInteger()
    [A1].Value = rndInteger

End Sub

A sample source code that retrieves a random VBA Double using entropy-server through a named pipe connection and inserts that value into A1 cell of the Excel Sheet

    Private Function getRandomDouble() As Double
    Dim intFileNum%
    intFileNum = FreeFile
    Dim RequestHeaderBytes(1 To 4) As Integer
    Dim randomDouble As Double
    ' Open the entropy server named pipe
    Open "\\.\pipe\SwiftRNG" For Binary Access Read Write As intFileNum
    ' Prepare the Entropy Server API request structure - requesting 8 bytes for the VBA Double.
    ' For more information visit
    RequestHeaderBytes(3) = LenB(randomDouble)
    ' Send the request header to the entropy server in one shot
    Put intFileNum, , RequestHeaderBytes
    ' With no delay, receive the random Double
    Get intFileNum, , randomDouble
    Close intFileNum
    getRandomDouble = randomDouble
    End Function

Sub Macro1()
    Dim rndDouble As Double
    rndDouble = getRandomDouble()
    [A1].Value = rndDouble

End Sub

A sample source code that retrieves a random VBA Long using entropy-server through a named pipe connection and inserts that value into A1 cell of the Excel Sheet

    Private Function getRandomLong() As Long
    Dim intFileNum%
    intFileNum = FreeFile
    Dim RequestHeaderBytes(1 To 4) As Integer
    Dim randomLong As Long
    ' Open the entropy server named pipe
    Open "\\.\pipe\SwiftRNG" For Binary Access Read Write As intFileNum
    ' Prepare the Entropy Server API request structure - requesting 4 bytes for a VBA Long.
    ' For more information visit
    RequestHeaderBytes(3) = LenB(randomLong)
    ' Send the request header to the entropy server in one shot
    Put intFileNum, , RequestHeaderBytes
    ' With no delay, receive the random Long
    Get intFileNum, , randomLong
    Close intFileNum
    getRandomLong = randomLong
    End Function

Sub Macro1()
    Dim rndLong As Long
    rndLong = getRandomLong()
    [A1].Value = rndLong

End Sub